

Learn More about Us

Zigham Humanitarian Foundation Of Turkey was laid out to advance the improvement of country networks; to advance the monetary strengthening of ladies; to support the cooperation of rustic ladies in grown-up schooling programs; to participate in professional preparation for ladies in provincial regions; to give miniature credit offices and energize reserve funds. Zigham Philanthropic Groundwork Of Turkey is an association begun by the World Bank and other supporter workplaces essentially to fill in as Multi-Sidelong Organ for Social Monetary Progression in Turkey especially in achieving persevering through plan in demolition of desperation and underdevelopment.
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To improve and engage young people of the occupants, to lessen the pace of joblessness among adolescents ofwas spread out to propel the improvement of nation organizations; to propel the financial reinforcing of women; to help the collaboration of natural women in adult tutoring programs; to partake in proficient groundwork for women in commonplace areas; to give small credit workplaces and empower hold reserves. Zigham Magnanimous Foundation Of Turkey is an affiliation started by the World Bank and other ally work environments basically to fill in as Multi-Sidelong Organ for Social Money related Movement in Turkey particularly in accomplishing enduring through plan in destruction of urgency and underdevelopment.

We can save more lifes with you

Children & Youth

We work with youths from the beginning through optional school graduation to furnish them with gadgets and resources for develop a breathtaking future, including educational undertakings and activities, coaching, and family support.

Adult Education & Training

Through foundational academic and professional programs like ESL, civics education, workforce development, and more, we provide the tools adults need for long-term success.

Legal Services

Our in-house group of lawyers and lawful agents assist their clients with exploring the US citizenship and movement framework, holding families together, and permitting them to accomplish a more noteworthy feeling of safety.

Mental Health & Community Wellness

Sound people group are engaged networks. We make a sound way of life more open with studios, support gatherings, and guiding, all through an injury informed and socially delicate focal point.

Community Resources & Empowerment

We furnish our local area with the devices and data expected to flourish despite difficulty, including "Know Your Freedoms" preparation stages and direct effort.






Our Goal



We should realize about foundation causes all over the planet

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8:00 - 10:00


For the purposes of this policy, a Donor country firm means an organisation carrying on business in the Donor country in accordance with the company incorporation and business registration laws



8:00 - 10:00

Donor Countries

International aid provides a key element of development financing. For many of the poorest countries, official development assistance (ODA) represents the largest source of external financing.

Be a Great Neighbor.

Your generosity helps give our recently resettled refugee neighbors in Charlottesville the support and opportunities they need to become self-sufficient, productive citizens. From welcome baskets to community connections, educational assistance and health services, housing and transportation, your gift helps these families go from surviving to thriving!

Become A Volunteer

Let’s make a difference in the lives of others

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